Justin Bartlett Animal Rescue
10405 Southern Blvd
Royal Palm Beach, Fl 33411
(561) 795-9999
Needs Foster   |  Cats: 13   |  Dogs: 112

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Precious Jewel PJ
Precious Jewel PJ

Gina Brandt Dec 1 (10 days ago) to me Hi there! Thanks for checking in on our little fur baby. Precious Jewel became “Lola” and she is doing great! She and our Belgian Malinois, Jax, absolutely love each other and they play all day long. The kids help out walking her and she’s doing well with potty training. Her checkups have been good and she weighs about 17 lbs. Lola loves her toys, Jax’s toys and any shoe that is left out for her to chew :). She is very social with all the neighbor dogs and people and everyone loves her. We’ve had several offers from friends and strangers to take her off our hands! haha Lola loves water so keeping her out of the pond is a challenge but we plan on taking the pups to the dog beach this weekend. Thanks again for checking on her and let her foster know she’s healthy and happy! Gina