Justin Bartlett Animal Rescue
10405 Southern Blvd
Royal Palm Beach, Fl 33411
(561) 795-9999
Needs Foster   |  Cats: 13   |  Dogs: 110

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Christina Stone Apr 15 (5 days ago) to me Hi Kathy, Oh, my goodness! We just love, love, love this puppy to pieces! We lost our 14 year-old shepherd mix last year, and our 15 year old lab mix in February. The house was too, too quiet. Lola and Sasha can never, ever be replaced, but we are so happy to share our crazy home with this little guy. I would be lying if I said I had remembered exactly how challenging puppy care can be! I thought I did, but, oh my goodness, it is SO much work! It, however, has been a great bonding experience for our family! Our 13 year-old is having a fabulous time spending time with him! He gets lost in her giant mass of hair! He naps with our adult daughter before she heads out to work each weekday afternoon. In tribute to Joshua's love for March Madness, we created a bracket-style method of choosing a name for the newest member of our family. Cooper was the final winner! He a doll-face, and those ears-for-days just win over anyone he meets! He also goes by any of the following: Special Agent Dale Cooper (We are Twin Peaks fans), Special Agent Dale POOPER (my personal favorite), Anderson Cooper, AC360, Bronze Fox, Gary Cooper, Mini Cooper, Cooper-Duper (another favorite), Purveyor of PeePee, Sultan of Side-Eye, King of Comfort, etc. No matter what we call him, he is a doll-face, and those ears-for-days just win over anyone he meets!


Hello, Napoleon's name is now Ollie. He is extremely happy and very loved! He just got his rabies shot so I took him to the dog park for the first time on Wednesday and he had so much fun! Every weekend he comes with me wherever I go. I choose only dog friendly restaurants and he has become well known at the ones I go to the most. He is VERY intelligent and has caught on to potty training faster than expected. Thank you for connecting me to my best friend. I love him more than words can


Nala, formally Nixi, is doing tremendous! She has grown to 15 punds and loves Delray. She is super playful and well behaved. Within days she learned simple commands and loves to go on after work strolls. I work from home and she hangs next to me all day. I’m attaching a few pictures for your enjoyment. Nala is competely healthy. Thank you for everything.


We are certainly enjoying our little pup (now Penny.) She has been such a joy and everyone has completely fallen in love. She loves cuddling and play time with other pups at the park. She has grown very fast and has already learned how to sit on command. Her foster parents must have done a great job potty training her because she does very well in the house. We are so greatful that we found her through Justin Bartlett. We get compliments everywhere we go on how pretty she is lol. We just adore her. Thanks so much and I hope you had a very Happy New Year! Below are a few pics. With thanks, Shavon, Penny, and family


Hello Kathy. We changed her name to Babette, Babz for short. Here she is bonding with my husbands dog. Catching some sun beams and we are in Puppy school, she loves warm snuggles. Thanks Hannah

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